Purpose of Shipment Tagging

Shipment tagging allows you to assign each shipment to one or more groups via a tag so that you can later filter and evaluate them according to your individual needs. These groups can be, for example, business units, geographical areas, product groups or any other individual associations.

How to Access Shipment Tagging

To be able to use shipment tagging, you must open the settings via your profile in the top right-hand corner and navigate to the “Shipment tagging” tab.

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Logic behind Shipment Tagging

Your Gryn account has access to a certain amount of shipments. All these shipments can be narrowed down by you on the basis of rules in conjunction with parameters and provided with an individual tag.

Example Use case to understand general Logic

Imagine you have the following shipments:

Shipment Consignor Name Origin Country Destination Country Supplier Name
Shipment 1 SR MFCT BUA PL IT Fast Ltd.
Shipment 2 SR Manufactoring FR IT DBS
Shipment 3 SRM FR IT DBS
Shipment 4 SRM Ltd. DE BG Huangho Corp
Shipment 5 Manufactoring Ltd. CN BG Huangho Corp
Shipment 6 SR GB DM STA GmbH

Your goal is to assign the shipments to a business unit (BU), but there is no information about the associated BU in the data. What you do know from internal data is when a shipment belongs to a specific BU. You therefore set up the following rules within the shipment tagging section.

You know, that a Shipment belongs to “Business Unit A” if any of the following rules apply:

Parameter Operator Value
Consignor Name contains BUA
Supplier Name is Huangho Corp

In the Gryn, you therefore create the rules like that:

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